The Real Fight: Are Children Being Sexualized?
Oh. My. God. Forget cute, she’s drop-dead gorgeous. She’s the girl of your dreams. How come you’ve never seen her at school? She lives nearby anyway. You quickly add her on Snap, and start stalking her on Insta, scrolling through pic through pic. You’re considering sending her DM, but your eye falls on her bio- and your jaw drops. Because this perfect girl is only twelve! Hey guys! It’s Hibba, back with another debate. Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak, I’ve had plenty of time on my hands. So, I’ve put that time to good use, to bring you, another new topic! It’s not exactly Saturday, but at this point, who cares? The topic I have chosen is....drumroll, please…: Are kids being sexualized? This issue has been fought over for a while now, by the kids who are supposedly being “sexualized”, and the parents of those kids. With all the time I had, I decided it was appropriate to add my opinion on this pressing problem. In my opinion: yes. And no, you're not gett...