An Out of This World Debate: Life Beyond Earth?

A disk-shaped object with neon-green lights is spotted above a small farm in the countryside. It hovers along to a meadow, where there are some innocent cows grazing on grass, and others are sleeping. The strange object releases an odd beam of light onto one cow. The cow, still chewing grass, rises upward, and into the aircraft. The flying saucer zips away into the night with the cow.

This sounds like a scene from a movie, I know. And not any movie, though. A movie about ALIENS….

You might have already guessed it. This week’s debate is…

Drumroll, please…

Do aliens exist?!

This might sound stupid to some, and to others fascinating. By the word aliens, most people assume I’m going to be talking about those big-headed green creatures with black, bulging eyes. No. By aliens, I mean any living animal that is not native to Earth and resides beyond our planet.

My explanation of aliens, is like WAAAY cooler than the first one. I honestly always thought that the way we imagined aliens, was always kind of unrealistic. What if aliens came to Earth and saw those big-headed, ugly beasts? They probably think of it being so… stereotypical!

The first reason I think aliens exist is kind of based off logic.

The universe is big. It’s ever-expanding, and we’ll never discover all of it. Earth is not even a dot if we make a huge map of the universe. There’s so much we haven’t discovered about the world outside of our planet.

There are about 100,000 stars for every grain of sand, according to Vox.

Let’s give an estimate that about 5% of those stars are like the Sun. And yes, the sun IS a star.

We are going to have about 500 billion billion Suns out there. Crazy, right? And yes, billion billion is NOT a typo.

And 1 out of those 5 Suns, there is probably an Earth-like planet. And yes, there is nothing confusing about this sentence.

(Sorry, I had to do that.)

With those numbers, the probability of a form of life existing out of our measly world is pretty high. And by pretty high, I mean VERY high. How could we possibly be the only planet with life in the entire observable universe? It just seems somewhat egocentric, honestly.

The next reason aliens do exist is because of The Madonna and Saint Giovannino. It’s basically this picture painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio in the 15th century of a lady with these two little babies in the back. I honestly have no idea what in the world she’s doing. I never studied the drawing, okay?!

But what I do know is that there is a man in the corner, peering up at the sky. And there, I believe is what looks like a flying saucer! And with him is his dog, who appears to be barking at the odd aircraft. I’m no dog whisperer, but I’m pretty sure that dogs don’t bark unless something is dangerous, or if there is something unusual there.

Sure, maybe the artist did that as a joke, but thinking that people back then didn’t even smile, I would find it highly unusual for him to do that.

Another sign of proof that aliens exist is on Mars. Well, the correct term is that they existed on Mars.

As I’ve heard, you basically need three things to have any living things: oxygen, water, and food. Logically, water plus oxygen enables plants to grow, making plants for creatures to use as food. But these three basic components don’t exist on any planet. Or any planet we know.

And this is the most common counter-attack people who don’t believe in aliens give.

Well, they are WRONG. That attack is so old! That excuse is now outdated.

For those who don’t know, about 3.8 billion years ago, Mars used to have water. And water’s formula is H2O. And H2O is basically the short way of saying that there are two atoms and that one of them is hydrogen and the other is oxygen.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that water automatically equals oxygen. And as I said before, water+oxygen=food. And if you add all of them up, you get the necessities of life. And with everything, there MUST have been life. Actually, there was!

Youtuber Paranormal Crucible saw something a little off about a photo of Mars that NASA released. He closed up, and saw what looked like the skeleton of a dinosaur! He used his PC to enhance the photo and got an even better look at the fossil.

That’s not all he’s done. He’s taken multiple photos of Mars from the internet and was able to pick out what looked like remains of life, and sometimes even aliens themselves!

It may take years for us to find life outside of Earth… and we might never find it. In my opinion, even if I can’t bring an alien and show it to the whole world, I still believe that aliens exist.

Now, it’s time for YOU to join in and give your opinion! Do you agree with me that extraterrestrial life forms exist? Why or why not? How long do you think it will take for us to discover life? Or will we not find it all?

Even if I didn’t choose a topic form the comments section, why not try again? You never know if you might just be next? ;)

Happy debating to all my astronomers and sci-fi fans!

Truly Yours- Hibba


  1. I don't think aliens exist. I mean if they did, why are we taking so long? And honestly, am I the only person like keeping up?

    1. i see these debates every 5 days after they are released...

    2. Athan, what do you mean? Do you not get the posts on time?

  2. Great Job! I really like how it’s lighthearted and enthusiastic. It’s enjoyable and you don’t get bored. There might be some planets out there that might have basic one celled organisms. I like how you used the Madonna as a piece of evidence.

  3. ur next debate should b if people spend 2 much time in their phones??

  4. ramen nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodel soup��(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::��


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