Tech Troubles: Society Stuck to Their Screens?

I’m sitting in between all these teenage girls, just smiling, and thinking about how many episodes of Gaspard and Lisa I’ve missed now. You might be thinking about why a 7-year-old is self-torturing herself like this. Here’s why:

My parents had some family come over, and almost all of their children were adolescent girls. My mom told me to sit with these teenyboppers, help them whenever needed, and follow them. And, oh yes I did.

They sit for a few moments, talking about some girl who broke up with her boyfriend. Then they ask me for the Wifi password. I’m a smart kid, so from memory, I tell them. And then they take out their phones. And for the next 2 hours, that’s what they do. And for the remaining time, and sit there and either smile, nap, play with my finger, daydream, think, or say something “cute”. That was a pretty depressing day.

This little memory was brought back from lubie’s suggestion: “ur next debate should b if people spend 2 much time on their phones??” A hearty shoutout to her! (Note: she asked to be called lubie)

I think it’s, unfortunately, yes. Society is stuck to their screens. Seriously.

The average American spends about 24 hours a week on technology. I am absolutely SHOCKED. I knew we spent a lot of time, but that much? That much exposure, on a weekly basis, is definitely NOT safe.

Let’s start with the basic side effects of this mad amount of screen time:

✣ A terrible case of eye strain!

✣ Taking longer to sleep.

✣ Aching fingers, neck, and head.
My next reason is from an experience in real time.

We all know Fortnite, right? Basically, almost every boy in the world plays it, loves it, and talks about it. Well, I knew someone who took it to the extreme.

He played Fortnite, just like all the other boys. But he didn’t like the game at all, he absolutely loved it. We made a poem book, and he made poems about Fortnite. It was funny at first. Then, whenever he did something right, he did a Fortnite dance. Some people liked it, while some found it kind of irritating. Then, he always incorporated Fortnite into any conversation. That’s when everyone was barely able to stand it.

Oh god, he did that so much, the teacher emailed his mother, asking to ground this Fortnite-obsessed student from his beloved video game. And oh yes, she did.

And that one week that was game-free, he was moping, and complaining about how he didn’t get to complete his 8 hours of Fortnite. I’m not even lying. His friends literally screen-recorded their TV of his Fortnite account starting at 4PM, left it, and returned at their dinnertime. And sure enough, the whole video showed his account being online.

And now, the grand finale. The last reason.

Write down all the alternatives you chose that involved technology. Trust me, you’ll have a lot. We email, instead of mail. We type instead of write. We use a calculator instead of doing a math equation. We view live-streaming concerts instead of actually going to one. We Facetime instead of meeting each other.  We even drive to our garbage cans to take out the trash instead of using out good ol’ pair of feet!

Of course, technology has helped us in many ways, no denying that. But know, we don’t use our phones to call our cousins who live in Africa every now and then. We don’t take photos to capture some silly pictures of you and your BFF at the Eiffel Tower. Instead, we are just playing games on our phones. We are just re-tweeting videos of people getting embarrassed. This isn’t what technology was supposed to do to our lives. We should use it to help us, not destroy every aspect of our lives!

More technology always equals more ways to harm each other. I’m talking about hackers and cyberbullies. I’ve been cyberbullied myself. That big fat meany said so many mean, hurtful, and totally inappropriate things to me and my friends. And they were never, ever caught. Of course, I immediately told a teacher, but they just said that they couldn’t do anything, so… whatever.

Hackers can always totally rearrange our lives in just a few clicks. They can steal your credit card numbers, kidnap you by finding your location,  and frame you for cyber-crimes you didn’t commit. The list can go, on and on. And why do they choose to be cowards and hiding behind a screen? Because we basically live, on the internet.


That is just my opinion, though. What’s yours? Comment if you agree or not. Why or why not? Are there anyways to save humanity from this electronic epidemic?

Hey, and why not suggest an idea, too! You might just be as lucky as my friend lubie was!

Happy debating to all!

Truly Yours-Hibba


  1. I think you are very correct in believing that society is obsessed with technology. It is too wedged into our lives and it is very difficult to just stop using so much technology.


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