Cats or Dogs?: An Animal Debate
You’ve just hit VIP backstage tickets to your fave author’s tour. Sweet! You sit in the velvet seats in the special section, with a perfect view of the stage. He comes up, and the audience claps for him like crazy. He chats for a while, and then he begins to answer the questions he got in his fan mail. You're giddy with excitement when he proceeds to the question. Finally, he asks your question: “Cats or dogs?” It’s probably one of the most debated conversations the world has ever come across. Dog-lovers could point out all the faults in cats, but feline-fans could go on, and on, on why cats are better. So, what do I think? Cats! The first reason is because cats are just as loyal as dogs are. Look, I get that dogs have nicknames like “man’s best friend”, or “loyalist animal alive”, but why doesn’t anyone remember cats? Here is a true story which will prove that cats are even more loyal than those canines. My father grew up in a small village in Pakistan. His family had a f...