Cats or Dogs?: An Animal Debate

You’ve just hit VIP backstage tickets to your fave author’s tour. Sweet! You sit in the velvet seats in the special section, with a perfect view of the stage. He comes up, and the audience claps for him like crazy. He chats for a while, and then he begins to answer the questions he got in his fan mail. You're giddy with excitement when he proceeds to the question. Finally, he asks your question: “Cats or dogs?”

It’s probably one of the most debated conversations the world has ever come across. Dog-lovers could point out all the faults in cats, but feline-fans could go on, and on, on why cats are better. So, what do I think?


The first reason is because cats are just as loyal as dogs are. Look, I get that dogs have nicknames like “man’s best friend”, or “loyalist animal alive”, but why doesn’t anyone remember cats? Here is a true story which will prove that cats are even more loyal than those canines.

My father grew up in a small village in Pakistan. His family had a farm and raised some livestock. They owned a cat named Mano. (Pronounced MAA-no)

But Mano had a few…. hunting issues, I’ll say. She kept on stalking the neighbors’ bunnies, and they complained. The family finally came to the decision to send Mano away. They decided to send her off to another loving family they knew, that would protect and love Mano just as well.

Finally, the dreadful day came. My dad’s uncle picked up Mano, and they departed. It was the best for their beloved feline. Or, they thought so.

One month later, when my father’s family noticed a strange, but yet oh-so-recognizable cat in their house. It was so thin and looked malnourished. And it was no other than Mano.

Now, that’s real loyalty.

Secondly, cats take up much less space than dogs. Your little pooch needs a walk, a room to exercise in, durable toys, and even your bed. WAH. But your cat? Just throw in a litter box, some food, DIY playthings, a load of affection, and hide your cucumbers. BOOM. Your lil’ kitty is going to be fully content.

Why take so much time and money out, when it’s so much easier to get a cat instead of a dog. If you treat your cat well, your cat will love you. And cats are very normal animals, unlike dogs who start barking at the Girl Scout across the street, who is trying convey those Caramel DeLites you ordered. Just minus the random burst of energy and cucumbers.

Next, cats are much quieter.  Even the world’s most affectionate dog lover shall admit that all that interminable barking does become quite vexatious at some point.

I’m not saying that cats don’t make a peep. Cats definitely make some ruckus, especially at night. Everyone’s gotta’ admit, too- meows and purrs sound so much cuter than just “woof! Woof!”.

Cats are smart enough to have different meows. The owner will learn to distinguish an “I. NEED. FOOD!!!!” meow from a “cuddle me, you earthly, strange-looking creature”.

Sure, dogs can sniff out cancer and drugs, and fight back robbers and that, but what about cats? Cats love their family just as much. Cats can be braver than dogs at times. I’ve seen them destroy robbers and other criminals.

But that’s just my opinion! What’s yours? Dogs or cats? Why or why not? Are cats underestimated? Or are dogs just plain better?

Throw in a suggestion, too. Or take your guess, at which sweet I like the most. We don’t have a winner yet.

Happy debating to all my fellow dog-lovers and feline-fans!

Yours Truly-Hibba


  1. I choose cats
    because they are wayy better then dogs
    they are very clean too

  2. should there be single sex classrooms or not?

  3. D.O.G.S in my opinion, they do not scratch or rip up your mom's precious couch or your dad's precious wooden floor, also, in my opinion, at least, dogs are easier to train and cuddle with, yes the cat will do its thing when it purrs, or yawns, but you can't really hug them or try to "kill them with kindness"...


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