*BLOG UPDATE* Why, Auto-Publish? WHYYYY????
So, yeah. The title might explain why my debates have STILL not been published. I usually finish my debate a day or two early and set it on auto-publish. As you know, the weekends, for most people, are packed, so auto-publish publishes it on time, so I don't have to wake up, get on my Chromebook, publish, and then use the remaining two hours to get ready. Trust me, I take my time. But lately, it hasn't been working! OOF. There isn't really much to say. I know Google Plus is shutting down soon, so I'm going to need a different social media platform to promote myself. I was actually looking into an Instagram account. It seems remotely easy to handle. But I'm not sure if I should use Twitter... a couple people I know have suggested that. So, I guess there's a debate for you guys to solve: Insta or Twitter? Why should I use it? Advantages? Backdraws? The majority of the comments will be our winner! Happy Holidays, and Happy Debating! -Hibba