*BLOG UPDATE*: No Blog, All Birthday

You may be wondering why I have not uploaded this Saturday. Well, I've been pretty busy, for a fact. Because...

It's my birthday!

Well, technically, in American days, it would be tomorrow. But I was born in Pakistan, so I would have my actual birthday today.

Thing is, I was SOO busy with my birthday stuff (and my awesome cousin), I could not find time to finish up my blog.

I just wanted to let you know. I didn't forget, or anything. Just me, being busy, with my birthday. Hopefully, next week the blog will be out and all will be good. It be Gucci.

Just to repeat, I may skip a week or two for many reasons. So, no worries. I'm not dead. I'm okay. Writing a blog is some work. With all the new homework, even with the extra weekend, I'm still finishing homework, and planning for my party.

Just to add on to that, I am trying to do debates that are suggested by you guys more. So be more active. Comment! I listen, and I care. Maybe I don't reply, but I still read them. You can comment your ideas, comments, and suggestions on the blog or Instagram, but I prefer the blog. But hey, if you want to do it on IG, do what you want. I can't stop you.

Have a great weekend, debaters!



  1. Happy Birthday!! You're also a January birthday?


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