Should Kids Date, Or Let It Wait?

“Oh my god! I heard she got a boyfriend! Unbelievable, right?”

“Eh… they aren’t a good couple.”

“sLuMp g0d¡”

This is the stuff I hear when I go to school. Most of us hear this stuff (apart from the bottom one). Ships, dating, couples and all that lovey-dovey stuff is everywhere, in middle and high school.

Here is a shout out to @andrew._.coyle for suggesting the idea! It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a suggestion, so here you go! And stick till’ the end for a little poll, suggested by your friend, Andrew!

But, there’s a pretty big debate between kids and adults on whether kids should date. Is it worth it?

Usually, I would yeet myself onto the kids’ side for most debates. But for this argument, I’m going to have to agree with the adults. With a no.

First of all, dating is a distraction from school. Dating just draws kids away from their studies. Teens become so indulged in their partner, they forget why they come to school! Girls put boys before the books, and the boys put their girl before their grades. They're stuck in an endless chain of trying to satisfy their lovesick boo, and they are just slowly and slowly falling behind the school.

According to Parade, almost 40% of students admitted to skipping a class to spend time with their boy/girlfriend, and almost over 50% have texted their lover during class. Texting is, obliviously, a distraction. They aren’t focusing on what the teachers saying. But, skipping?! You’ve missed out on a whole class just for your partner! I got sick during the school day almost a week ago, and I’m still catching up!

Dating also creates unhealthy habits in kids. When kids want to date, their first priority is their “crush”. But if the person they are ubër fangirling over is with another person, sometimes, they will take to extreme lengths to grab their attention. And that’s how eating disorders are born. Older children may even consider plastic surgery.

What’s the point? Putting your sweetheart over your grades? Dating is a distraction, and we all know it. There’s barely a chance you will even get married!

Secondly, dating usually leads to premarital sex. Yes, I’m not expecting kindergartners to go that far, but if they begin the practice of dating at a young age, it continues with them when they are older. When they reach their late teens, around 16-ish, they begin to pursue an interest in this topic.

Though I disagree that this should even take place, I doubt that they will take the correct safety measures anyhow. They are not adults, and they do not know the consequences. America doesn’t need more children in the foster system!

You have to admit, teenage pregnancy is a problem in the U.S. At the current moment, I will not go too deep in it, but the stem of this issue begins in dating. If we want to help solve this problem, why not begin, by discouraging it from taking it’s very first steps?

Lastly, kids just aren’t mature enough for that stuff. I mean sure, you got through the oh-so-awkward “talk” in 5th grade, but that doesn’t mean you’re ready for real life.

Adults can date, but kids can’t. I mean look, to the Gen Alphas and possibly even Zs that are still in school aren’t ready for it. I mean what are you doing?

You still can’t wear certain clothes without Mom’s approval. You still aren’t old enough to get drunk, smoke, or vape. You still can’t stand when you’re crush is talking to somebody who isn’t you. You get into all sorts of drama with your BFF. You still do anything to look like that cute girl on Instagram. You’d waste half of your dad’s credit card on buying stuff to get popular, and still not reach that status. You still get angry when you’re mom said “No, you can’t got to Billy’s house.” just because his older brother got caught with illegal drugs. You’re still secrectly watching at least ONE childrens’ show with passion and can sing the theme song by heart.

Well, I think you get the idea. How do you expect to take dating or heartbreak along with this stuff?

So, what do you think? Should kids date or not? Did I convice you? Why or why not? Is it worth it or not?

And, requested by your friend, Andrew, here is your poll.

Remember to follow me on Instagram (@debateswithhibba), and comment on the blog your opinion. And hey, suggest an idea. You might just be as lucky as Andrew was!

Happy Debating to all my friends!



  1. no kids should date im 12 and ive had sooo many boyfriends. it helps u prepare for the real world of relationships

    1. THE WOrLD OF rELATIONSHIPS is A Suffering SUccatash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. #succatash

    guess who i am /:))))


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