The Great Debate of Chocolate Milk

What do you call a sweet, creamy liquid that coats your tongue in goodness? It’s chocolate milk, over course! With its great taste and silky feel, and it’s soft milk taste, balanced perfectly with that rich chocolate taste, it grabs fans of all ages. But despite all that, this drink has been stirring up some controversy in schools. (I know, right?) So, that what’s lead me to this week’s blog: should chocolate milk be served in schools?

After reading the intro, it should be clear what my opinion is: YES!!! To me, chocolate milk is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s like… a miracle on Earth. It fits everything the parent of any kid wants: it’s healthy, addictive, and low in sugar. (For me, it fits everything I need: tastiness, and chocolatiness.)

But chocolate milk is not viewed by some as the angel from heaven me and many others see. Nutritionists, policymakers, health officials, and parents all worry that chocolate milk is just straight-up sugar in liquid form with the words “HEALTHY” stamped on. But the reality is, it’s not.

So, allow me, to take your hand, and lead you into the world of chocolate milk like never before. To a land of awe. And you will see the true power- the real power- of chocolate milk. A flashback to your childhood. (Or your life. If you are a kid.)

First of all, it’s healthy. Chocolate milk still carries the same nine essential nutrients that regular, white milk has. Don’t believe me? Even the nutrition labels agree! It’s even becoming a popular post-workout drink among young adults, now!

Melissa Dobbins, a nutritionist, nods her head when it comes to this fact. She states: “Research shows that children that drink flavored milk meet more of their nutritional needs, do not consume more sugar, fat, or calories, and are not heavier than non-milk drinkers.”

Chocolate milk, when it comes to nutrition, is equivalent to white milk. No reduced nutrients. Just as good as regular milk, except it jumps ahead when it comes to taste. And, that leads me to my second reason.

Secondly, chocolate milk is SOOO addictive. It’s like, weed for kids, but in a good way. I mean, ask any kid. Almost all of them would have chocolate milk over regular, plain ol’ milk.

Also, I don’t think I need to emphasize any more on how DELICIOUS chocolate milk is. I could go on and on! If you haven’t tried it, two things: a) try it ASAP, and b) you are missing out! Do you live under a rock?

Now the third reason: low sugar.

Low sugar is one of the few things that make those part of the Generation X nod. They nod when the person they voted for wins the election. They nod when the meal they are eating is practically perfect. They nod when there is 90% off coupon at Costco.

So, I think you get it. Getting the nod is the stamp of approval from the parents of the school children of today. It’s rare. But it’s important.

But, those of you who are against me, must be thinking: “Jesus! Hibba, it’s chocolate milk, for Pete’s sake. Chocolate equals pure sugar; why else do kids drink it?”

That my friend is a lie. A lie that has been implemented into your mind ever since you were young, and had a fresh and innocent mind. You used to believe anything you’d hear.

I mean, seriously. When you’re a mindless 8-year-old kid, your 3rd-grade teacher says, “Hey kids! Today we will learn division. Rule number one: the bigger number always comes first.”

Then, there was always this one kid who’d ask an obvious question:

“Really, miss? ALWAYS? You can never ever have an eckshepsawn?”

“It’s pronounced exception, Johnny.” someone in the back corrects.

And then the teacher would give that, oh-so-boring reply. “Yes, Johnny. Always”

But it turns out you 3rd-grade teacher was a liar. Your life was a LIE. Poor Johnny was right.  Middle school came around, and oh, looky looky! It said 3 ÷ 6 on that stupid pre-assessment you have to take. Your former teacher taught you the wrong stuff, and now, you are probably going to fail every question consisting an obelus. There was an eckshepsaw- er, I mean exception!

Okay, I went really off topic there. But the point is, as a kid, your life is a lie. Half of the stuff you learn turns out being wrong five years after you finish your education. You’re just surrounded by almost, an artificial reality at that time.

The average 8 fluid ounce carton of heaven contains 22 grams of sugar, with 14 of it occurring naturally. Parents are fine with that.  That leaves only 8 grams of sugar to be added. Which, in comparison to other drinks, is crazily small.

Your favorite sports drink, Gatorade, contains about 36 grams of sugar per bottle. Then, the true American drink, Coca-Cola, each serving you get at a restaurant, contains almost 44 grams of sugar. Yeah, talk about healthy.

Though 22 grams of sugar may seem a lot, it’s much lower than most drinks we have now, and the nutrients we get from it make up for not reaching society’s idea of healthy.

Remember, those iGens aren’t going to go drink kale smoothies because they are healthy. They drink stuff they like, cause’ it’s tasty. Though chocolate milk may not- I’m repeating- reach our idea of healthy, it still has a lot of what the kids of today need in their body.

We are going through an unspoken, quiet epidemic. The unhealthy food we eat is just one of the many factors that is contributing to the rising, global problem of being overweight. But, if we can get our coming generation to get on the right track, by allowing healthy but tasty foods such as chocolate milk in schools, soon the rest of the problems, will fix themselves.

So, what do you think? Did I convince you? Why or why not? What’s your side of this great debate? Are you with the sweetness of chocolate milk, just like me? Or are you a no-brainer to this, and believes that chocolate milk in schools is a no-no?

Remember to suggest an idea for a debate! I’m looking very much forward to seeing your ideas!

And, just an update: I think it’s easy to see which social media platform you guys were rooting for. You guys were Instagram for the win!

So, I decided to listen. C’mon in, and join the fun on my account  (@debateswithhibba). Remember to follow and double tap those posts. Hey, you know you love it!

Happy Debating to all my fellow foodies!



  1. Lil' Tay is My ID0LJanuary 5, 2019 at 7:33 PM

    no way. like, chocolate milk is sooo unhealthy. i 100% disagree, but i still enjoyed reading. like, duh there was an eckshepsawn! u should post more pleeeeeeeeasssssseeeeeeee.

  2. Chocolate Milk Chocolate Milk Chocolate Milk

  3. bro think she carti


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