Is Graffiti Art? Yes or No?

 If you walk down the streets of a city, I think we’ve all seen graffiti. Maybe it was a cool, retro style of letters or an original cartoon against an ombre background, but, we’ve all seen it. Graffiti is very common.

The debate had arisen on whether graffiti is art, or not. And as you know, I decided to take this topic and give my opinion on it. As a little-above-average artist, I do have a couple of ideas on this creative debate.

It’s mua, Hibba! I’m here with another debate! This idea was suggested by the one and only @mary.christmas35. Thank you so much for this idea!
A lot of people may disagree with me, because isn’t graffiti just… vandalism?

No. It is so much more than that.

Let’s start with the definition of graffiti. That always helps. According to Wikipedia:

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view.”

It’s very stereotypical to think graffiti is illegal, first of all. It’s not. We have the freedom of speech and press here in America! You can literally draw the president getting… I don’t know.. Attacked by hippo with a vacuum and not get in trouble!

Yet, if you search up “is graffiti legal?”, you get dozens of websites saying yes. But that is wrong.

Usually, as Wikipedia says, it is usually drawn on a surface without permission. But what about the times it is drawn with permission? It is still graffiti. Permission or no permission, it doesn’t change what the art style is.

So now that we have that out of the way, let’s think.

What do we call art?

The Mona Lisa is art. The Starry Night is art. The Last Supper is art. Do you not agree?

Then, here comes a few more questions, which answers may vary. Is a 3-year-old’s drawing of a duck art? Is calligraphy art? Is henna art?

Graffiti falls into the questionable category, clearly.

To say whether graffiti is art, it’s really your personal belief, and what your perception of art is.
Graffiti, is art because to me, when you look at a paper, a canvas, or whatever, and you don’t just see something with your eyes, you see a meaning with your eyes.

It doesn’t take too long. I’m no Leonardo Da Vinci, but next time you pass a piece of “wildstyle” or a funky cartoon character, or whatever other form of graffiti, observe. What was the author was trying to convey? What’s the point of putting up this up?

I cannot deny graffiti being art. It even has its own museum!

If you make your away to NYC, the beloved Big Apple, go visit the Street Museum of Art, all dedicated to art.

graffiti and street art. Seriously, how can you even DENY it’s art if it has its own museum?

Graffiti is a form of expression. In my opinion, almost all forms of expression is art. But, of course, not every form of expression is art. Hateful paintings are not art. Mean words and tags in calligraphy and graffiti are not art. Rude pictures are not art.

For example, Banksy is a graffiti artist. His most iconic painting we know, is the one and only, “Balloon Girl”. How could you not consider that art? It is one of the world’s most famous paintings of this century! Why can it not be considered art, some of you may be thinking. It is because, and only because, it’s canvas was not made from the pulp of wood. It’s canvas was of stacked bricks.

Many people would consider street art and graffiti difference, but I personally consider them the same thing. Because street art, well, it doesn’t need any explanation for its meaning. Graffiti, as we, discussed, meaning is similar. Graffiti, is usually drawn on the sides of building, a lot like street art. The only main difference people say is that graffiti is illegal and street art is not.

But as we discussed before, graffiti is not illegal. So wouldn’t street art and graffiti be considered the same thing?

People seem to love street art, but hate graffiti, but why? Why? They are the same thing. Because of the common stereotype of graffiti being illegal, we seem to think of street art as something beautiful, and graffiti as something just done by gangs, while in fact, they are both same!

Well, technically, actually not the same thing. I don’t know. Maybe graffiti is a genre of street art? Is it the same thing as street art? I can’t find any thorough definitions of graffiti on the web.

So, what do you say? Yes or no, and why and why not? Do you consider graffiti the same as street art, a genre of street art, or the opposite of street art? Is a 3-year-old’s drawing of a duck art? What is your opinion on this debate?

Comment down below an idea. You never know, you might be as lucky as @mary.christmas35!

Happy debating to all!



  1. yes graffiti is art. and obviously that drawing of the duck by the 3 year old, is better than the Mona Lisa!!!!!!!!!

  2. plz write another post i like this blog very much but i never write comment please post blog love you hibba!

    1. Hello blog is gucci very nice told to my friend that lives in the UK

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